Brave New World — When a Machine Shoots What We Do…

Who knows, a machine wanting your job? Here’s the 3D MFP — Office Photography Machine with push button simplicity and colorful, professional photography results.

It’s the next generation of (office) imaging devices:

Ortery’s 3D MFP studio is a one stop solution for all internal imaging needs. Machines can be set up in a centralized location of the office and anyone is able to walk up and instantly capture professional quality images for any application.

With a built-in Canon Rebel T5i camera. No experience necessary. Sounds familiar? This breakthrough 3D MFP captures objects for product photography and business communication. And soon for everything else.

Crystal clear true view 3D images at all depths of field producing accurate 360° product models… Automated 3D photography, making a job that once exclusively belonged to humans more effective and efficient?!