You Internet junkies and gear freaks, imagine how much creative time we waste sitting in front of our computers trying to find out how nearly perfect pixels can be rendered even better. Instead of talking about photography, why not just doing it? Right, new gear gives us better images… How can we make something already […]
Photography is a lot about finding one’s one style. Nothing more boring than shooting the Eiffel Tower. Everyone does it. Nothing more exciting than shooting the Eiffel Tower. So many unique angles and perspectives, different lightings and framings left to be explored and discovered! That’s the beauty of photography. Each and every moment offers a […]
By MITCHELL KANASHKEVICH, EYEVOYAGE Can a camera change the way you make photos? Until recently I never thought that I’d even consider such a question. I’ve always said that gear is not very important, the result is what matters. I still feel the same about the importance of the result, but, I’ve come to realise […]
Must confess, I take above-average care of my gear. Don’t like unnecessary wear and tear. The lens is clean, dust is annoying, even the viewfinder eyepiece is cleaned now and then. The day I sell the camera the buyer gets good hardware. Doesn’t mean that I’m as obsessive in the field. The tools are here […]
50% off Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera (Body Only) with Micro Four Thirds Lens Mount Regular price: $995 Special price: $495 plus two free Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera Batteries and free U.S. shipping from Adorama Special price: $495 plus Wooden Camera Shoe Mount from B&H Photo
Great Manfrotto bundle from Adorama: Manfrotto MKBFRC4-BH BeFree Carbon Fiber Travel Tripod together with Manfrotto Advanced Travel Backpack (black) The BeFree Compact Travel Carbon Fiber Tripod is a sturdy, compact tripod that extends to 56.7″, supports 8.8 lb and folds up to only 15.75″. The tripod’s legs can be spread independently, with two-position leg angle […]
His site is listed in THEME’s live News Feed: Kirk Tuck’s Visual Science Lab, one of my favorite photography blogs when it comes to the ins and outs of subtle narrative, hands-on technique and the state of the photography industry. Kirk Tuck not only knows how to use a camera, he’s also a gifted writer […]
These days it’s not good enough to be an excellent photographer if you want to be known. Today’s top professional photographers spent years perfecting their craft and sharing it online in clever ways. Their ability to use social media and photography to produce human connections is a useful lesson to those associating the word “photography” […]
There is no ideal image aspect ratio. Depending on the situation, each and every crop ratio has its own pros and cons. Personally I prefer the more landscapy 3 x 2 format, digital imaging’s equivalent to film’s classic 35mm proportions. To some it seems unnatural. Also, the more squarish 4 x 3 offers better corner […]
The photos we take are an expression what we’re looking for, not necessarily what we’re looking at. Every camera we use, we use as an extension of who we are. This short video makes you want to go out and try to capture the street, the nearby forest, the mood. It makes you smile — […]
Great work, as always, by THEME’s regular contributor Lorenzo Moscia who travels the world with two cameras and two lenses. Lorenzo witnessed Brazil’s fatal FIFA World Cup blow against Germany in Rio de Janeiro’s biggest favela. Going down 1-7… Gods were humiliated in a nation where the seleção should have promised pride, joy and momentary […]
VSCO, digital photography’s probably leading solution for the emulation of film, wants you to live the artist in you and get a scholarship of the $1,000,000 Artist Initiative. The initiative is a fund providing photographers the resources to pursue their creative vision. It honors art and artist by discovering, funding, advising and promoting creatives from […]
“Everyone of us has at least one or two great photographs in them.” Says David Griffin, former photo director for National Geographic. But, to make a living from photography, “you have to have more than one or two great photographs in you. You’ve got to be able to make them all the time.” It’s another […]
Use coupon code SAMSUNGSUM on all these items and save up to $300. This promotion includes a wide selection of Samsung cameras — for all details go Adorama.
By MARTIN KALAYDJIAN Since I’m one myself, I get the impression that we camera geeks are a lot more obsessive than people who pursue other hobbies. We have raging debates here about “which is better” when the difference may not even be discernable to the naked eye. In fact, this may be the only place […]
It’s a plot for a Hollywood movie. You remember the recent ferry accident in South Korea. Almost 300 people died, many of them schoolchildren. But you didn’t know that a pastor-turned-photographer is the chief suspect in the Sewol tragedy. His name is Yoo Byung-eun — and he’s hard to pin down. Posters flashed across television […]
By YVAN COHEN, LIGHTROCKET “The camera never lies,” goes the adage, and for a long time we almost believed it. While photographs could never lay claim to being entirely truthful, there was a sense that an image recorded on film was as close as we could get to a freeze-frame of real life. Photography has […]
You’ve probably heard it, Microsoft and Canon signed a patent cross-licensing agreement. According to the Microsoft presser the deal furthers collaboration on research and development. Teaming up gives each company access to the other’s patents portfolios, which include a range of products and services such as certain digital imaging and mobile consumer products. So are […]
Time to stock up on super fast memory cards: Samsung 64GB SDXC Pro UHS-1 Class 10 Memory Card, Up to 80MB/s Read, Up to 40MB/s Write Speed Regular Price: $79.95 Special Price: $31.95 Includes Free U.S. Shipping Order here.
Nice move Canon, the Canon EOS 7D can be had for great prices. Amazon and B&H Photo have these specials on offer: Canon EOS 7D (Body Only): $1,499 – $500 Savings = $999 Canon EOS 7D with EF-S 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS Lens Kit: $1,799 – $500 Savings = $1,299 Canon EOS 7D with 28-135mm F3.5-5.6 […]
By MARTIN KALAYDJIAN I just took a look at the CIPA shipment numbers for April 2014, and they really are depressing. CIPA reports that new camera shipments continue to fall, losing about a third of their market each year. This isn’t meant to be about doom and gloom. It is only “crying wolf” if the […]
Match prints to their monitor displays — or why not just finally have a properly calibrated computer screen. The Datacolor Spyder4PRO Display Calibration System sells for $99, that’s nearly 50% off list price. Can be used with desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets. Special price limited supply only, order here.
A lot has been said about Apple pulling the plug on Aperture. Not only Aperture, iPhoto is a goner, too! Loyal Aperture users are considering the transition to Lightroom, giving in to monopolist Adobe that’ll rule the digital imaging processing world. Not that Apple drops digital imaging altogether. The upcoming Photos app will replace and […]
Holy consumerism. Sometimes you wonder how much people of the first world still have to work. In some countries it’s down to a few hours a day while people enjoy lots of spare time for recreational pursuits, such as sports, outdoors, video games, smartphones, travels — and photography. Electricity lets us people of the first […]