As photographers we’re all, in the broadest sense, media representatives. For this reason allow me the following thoughts. The 45th president of the United States of America isn’t a protectionist, but what can be produced back home shall be produced back home. Even before assuming office, POETUS Donald J. Trump received the support of car makers and tech companies to refocus on U.S. investments, something that seems long forgotten. On paper it looks like a reverse of globalization, yet the clock can’t just be turned back. We’ll continue to ship consumer products from lower-cost markets, but more and more people start realizing what the costs of globalization are. Personally, I prefer to pay a higher price for products knowing they’re produced under fair conditions in my own environment and create jobs and sustainable development.
And Trump is more. He’s the best thing that could have happened to the media. Newspapers, magazines, TV networks and whatever’s published, journalists can’t get enough of the man and his clan. Why? Trump knows how to create news. He’s self-made political royalty, a shirts-sleeved verbal brute who doesn’t care much about protocol and diplomacy. He’s a unique story. Add the glitter of his lifestyle, wife and kids. American royalty.
Personally, again, I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing. Trump reinvigorates the media. The media industry flourishes under Trump. It’s not just Trump’s use of Twitter that puts a spell on oh so many. Media are back in the limelight, and are reminded what their mission is. People now have much more choices to get information. The role of traditional media outlets such as TV and newspapers is eroding. Journalists not feeling the pulse of what’s happening feel increasingly bitter how “ignorant” a large part of society has become. In the long run this means more transparent, accountable reporting. Tenacity, folks!
It’s sure not the end of press freedom as some claim. News media don’t have to report what pleases the rulers. Yet one can’t just report according to polls and what the establishment likes. And it’s easy to be dazzled by Trump, the master media manipulator. He’s a wholly unconventional and unprecedented president. There will be scandals, and media have to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff without displaying the old complacent arrogance.
Good news are no news, that’s the old saying. Yet he harnessed the people’s discontent. He’s the elected man of the hour, unthinkable only a few years ago. So fasten your seat belt and get the popcorn ready. Media-wise, it’s a hell of a ride ahead. It’s getting personal. Talk paradigm shifts. Whether some media — and major European leaders — like it or not.