This is from trustworthy new sources with access — you can check our track record and we’ve consistently been right. We were the first to know the name of the X Vario, and THEME’s the first site again to learn more details about Leica’s long rumored, new, more compact system camera. There have been consistent hints by Leica itself and by rumors that the legendary camera maker is going to go more mainstream with a slimmed down Leica M, mistakingly anticipated as the Leica Mini M. Within the next few months there will be a mini M, but it won’t be an EVIl Leica M, it will be a X Vario system camera with interchangeable lenses.
As reiterated several times in the past, Leica won’t go Micro Four Thirds, but it’s a safe bet that they’re building on an APS-C size sensor making for low image noise, high dynamic range accurate color differentiation and — most importantly for some — smaller lens size with autofocus capability.
The X Vario is also called “Type 107.” According to a screenshot leaked by Digicame-Info in October, an upcoming, not yet known Leica camera is codenamed “Typ 701” (Leica T). If that’s no coincidence:

While I’m not a 100% certain these product screenshots refer to the upcoming X Vario system camera — Leica Rumors expects it to be “a new camera without a rangefinder” –, the new Leica compact system camera will be placed between the M and X lines. What to expect?
- No viewfinder
- X Vario innards
- A new, more compact Leica system camera
Announcement? Within the next months or as far away as Photokina 2014 next October.
Too late for Leica to join the “mirrorless” party? Are they going after Fujifilm?