Not much to add. Competitively priced, say around $2k, Nikon created a new classic. Everything’s solid about this camera. Enjoy the Nikon Df’s Pure Photography pre-announcement teaser #5 with a confident Nikon showing off a beauty of a full-frame camera days before the November 5 launch.
This teaser’s byline: “Good things take time. They’re worth the wait.”
It’s kind of unheard of to launch a product before launch. On the other hand it’s ingeniously shrewd. Nikon’s the talk of town, and it takes some marketing whizz to divert the buzz away from the recently announced, not less spectacular full-frame Sony A7s.
While the A7 and A7R are the power of the D800 in a compact package, the Nikon Df is Nikon’s compact version of its flagship. Or as someone told me it’s the camera Leica should have built and would have sold for $10k.
This DF is a home run. As previously said, Nikon pulls all the right strings with this camera, an as much digital as good old school mechanical FM2/F3 styled new icon of digital photography — just to mention the important and by most newer cameras omitted, nicely placed exposure metering mode switch, something I need all the time: