Interesting premium superzoom by Olympus offering “serious features for serious photographers” — Even if you don’t consider yourself a fan fixed lens superzoom cameras, this new Olympus of top-notch build quality with more features than you’ll ever need looks like a solid compact travel and backup camera. Sleek and easy to carry, it offers a constant bright F2.8 aperture through the whole 10.7x zoom capability of 28-300mm (35mm equivalent). Add the kind of new age design, full RAW and Wi-Fi capabilities, 3″ tilt/touch LCD, 2″ super macro, easy defocusing, etc. etc.
Considerably smaller and for about half the price of the Sony RX10, due to its larger 1/1.7″ sensor than other high-end superzooms this OM-D clone will sure enough offer a more than just satisfying image quality.
Should you consider upgrading your old point-and-shoot or if you’re looking for a richly featured alternative to a heavy DSLR or even a mirrorless system, this competitively priced Stylus 1 for $699 deserves a close look.
+++ You can order the Olympus Stylus 1 from Amazon, B&H and Adorama.