What a camera. No in-camera stabilization, no sensor self-cleaning mechanism, no video. But unmatched handling, the right size and weight — and a sensor churning out velvet smooth imagery. Its a photo taking machine that looks a bit overpriced considering its specs with 39 focus points only and not even maximum 1/8,000th of a second shutter speed. Hey this is 2014. The camera is an anachronism, yet exactly the camera I want.
Took a stroll with the Nikon Df and Zeiss 28mm F2 Distagon T*. Bear with me. If you’re a reader of THEME you’ll probably have to endure more such posts. This combo is such a pleasure and makes photography simple as a breeze. Manual mode, auto ISO, medium aperture, reasonable shutter speed, that’s it.
JPEGs, no sharpening, some slight cropping and EV adjustment (’cause the Zeiss seems to underexpose a bit), but no other post-processing, I prefer photos with a certain texture to them and not clinically perfect: