Does Levon Biss ring a bell? Of course not. Another fantastic photographer most people haven’t heard of yet. Levon Biss mainly does sports, his clients are big names for advertising and editorial, such as Adidas, Puma, Carlsberg, New York Times, FHM, Time, and so on. But then, to have something to work on when he comes back home from another of his many assignments, he got into macro photography. And I mean micro macro photography. Larger-than-life macro photography.

Levon Biss is exhibiting at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History. The name of his collection? “The Insect Portraits of Levon Biss” — or in short: Microsculpture.
Enjoy the trailer:
There is nothing spontaneous about Levon Biss’ photography. Each and every detail is most carefully planned. In an interview he said, asked what’s his idea of a perfect photograph:
A very complex shoot that goes smoothly. Something that is technically and logistically challenging. Having the picture in your head an being able to make it come to life exactly as you imagined.
The Insect Portraits of Levon Biss exhibition runs from May 27 to October 30, 2016, at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.