Reductio ad absurdum?
- Learn new things always. Practice, practice, practice, strive for simplicity and thou shalt know the holy trinity of aperture, shutter speed and ISO.
- Rule of thirds, why should it matter. Break those rules of composition. Your feet — and be it your knees or your stomach! — are your zoom. Do not commit to using auto modes and go manual for as far as you can.
- It does not matter if you shoot JPEG or RAW, just mind traditional pictorialism. Dare, experiment!
- So you pay three times more for gear for multiple better images? Any gear can only photograph what you see: look up, down, left, right and behind you.
- Point-and-shoot? Instagram is photography. Doesn’t even matter when no sun is shining and nothing moves, just don’t photograph people from the back and call it “street photography.”
- It does not matter if you post-process or not, it does not matter if you sharpen or not, just frame, shoot, shoot plenty and ask questions later.
- Noise and blur can be a blessing and too much accuracy a curse. There is beauty in less perfection and overkill in Photoshop fixes.
- Want to destroy natural light — as little as there might be — with a flash? This is the age of insanely sensitive ISO.
- Your eye and sharp vision though, they matter. Be curious, never desire your neighbor’s camera, never ever utter the words “Say cheese” and do not make photographs of people posed.
- Carry your camera everywhere, think what story you want to tell and love what you’re looking at. And in the end, only the image matters.
- Have fun.*

* Oops, lost in history: the 11th commandment.