Well it’s a concept. An awesome one. By Vincent Säll, a young industrial designer who’s always asking the question, “What if?”. What if Leica combined the features of a smartphone and it’s own high quality cameras with new technology and innovative design? So he created the Leica X3 — again, a concept just to enjoy for the beauty of its pure aesthetics and idea behind it.
Säll has nothing to do with Leica. But what if… “Every day people around the world take millions of pictures”, says Säll. “The modern culture of sharing photos with your friends and loved ones has never been bigger. This project is about filling the gap between big cameras with great image quality and smartphone cameras with limited quality/control.
Et voilà a camera just the size of a lens that instantly transfers images. Maybe not the best ergonomics, but a camera the size of a lens… what if? The Leica concept is not the only stunning work by Säll. Check out his website for the neat Leica inductive charger and more conceptual design studies.