You remember Street Presets, presets for the ultimate street look. Now their creators Don Springer and Olivier Duong present their latest labor of love: Inspired Eye, an inspired, high quality, rich in content photographic magazine with no real competition. They’ve done their research and after reading the first (free!) issue I must agree, none of the often superficial magazines offer what Inspired Eye has: lots of heart and soul, really getting into the meat of things.
Engaged, in-depth, unique — Inspired Eye, a new bi-monthly PDF magazine for the dedicated photographer.
Inspired Eye is unlike anything you’ve read so far. Its mission statement is to develop the photographer’s eye, heart and mind. Inspired Eye is less about the latest and greatest gear. It’s about the passion and craft. It’s a bi-monthly PDF magazine that really shines when loaded in fullscreen for optimum experience. I talked to Olivier about the bold magazine, the motivations behind it and goals ahead:
I’m teaming up with Don Springer once again for another project: Inspired Eye. One is the senior editor-in-chief and the other the senile editor-in-chief, we will let you figure out which is which!
Inspired Eye’s motto to developing the photographer’s eye, heart and mind reflects our philosophy completely. Photography for us is not superficial but a matter of being, and we cater to those who live an breathe photography.
Inspired Eye brings you quality interviews…
We believe that all photography is worthwhile, from the guy capturing timeless moments of a wedding to the guy that can only shoot while going to and from work.
Photography is more than pictures, it’s something in our being and the magazine is there to strengthen that sense.
Inspired Eye is focused on the complete photographic process: the eye (composition, design, technicalities), the heart (emotions, feelings) and the mind (why is this a recurring theme in my work?).
We are committed to developing all three as we believe that all three are crucial parts of a whole.
You might have the gear, but not the eye. You might have the heart and will, but not the eye… that’s why Inspired Eye exists. It’s for you the photographer. We are not after popularity contests, but we are making photography personal again.
Our free first issue deals with the eye with design principles, the heart by exploring photographer’s different reasons to shoot, and the mind by exploring the ramifications of selective attention.
… and in-depth technique and analysis.
Having a photography blog is not a piece of cake, having a photography magazine even less. We are asking you, the reader, to support the effort of fellow photographers in their endeavor.
Please get your free issue and subscribe for a year. It’s a mere 20 bucks that help develop your eye, heart and mind for life.
By supporting us, you also support Daniel’s THEME magazine blog, which always has something interesting to say and does a great service to the photography community.
We hope you enjoy our first issue, which is a shadow of things to come.
Thank you,
Olivier Duong
Reading the first issue I have no doubt in the concept and future of Inspired Eye. It reads like an interactive dialog from photographer to photographer. It’s engaged, it’s real, it’s unique.
Can’t wait for the second issue.
Please support Inspired Eye. With six issues, you get a lot of photography for $20. There are not many ways to spend $20 more wisely. And way more to come. Subscribe here!
To be honest, Photography is such that people lust after a Leica they will never be able to afford. Why cringe at the idea of 20$ for a lifetime of benefits. That’s lived wisdom, I tell you.