Enzo Beretta, a photographer based in Bangkok and New York, recently worked with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III for THEME. His impressions in a nutshell:
The Canon 5D Mark III overall is really a wonderfully constructed camera that would not only be a significant compliment to any professional photographer’s equipment, but also a camera that can easily become an essential professional tool for specialized areas and assignment due to the overall quality, easy to use functions as well as the relatively light and compact size.
I believe in selecting the best possible equipment for every specific assignment. The 5D Mark III is a most reliable tool. In the right hands it can deliver excellent RAW quality images, beautiful flesh tones, neutral color and smooth, pleasant gradation.
It’s truly a “must have” camera. I enjoyed working with it very much and found the camera to be a step in the right direction for what a small camera should be. The only real problem is coming up with the $3,500 to get one. But once you have one there won’t be much need to long for another camera for many years to come.
The objective of this 5D Mark III mini portfolio is to try to capture a diversified range of images shot at different ISO settings under different lighting conditions as well as to reflect a wide range of tones.
+++ You can order the Canon 5D EOS Mark III from Amazon. +++

+++ You can order the Canon 5D EOS Mark III from Amazon. +++