19-year-old Olivia Bee has to be admired. What a creativity, what camera skills. She’s photographing from her young perspective and killing it. Her clients include Hermès, Subaru, Vogue, Nike and the New York Times, to name a few. How many photographers would kill for such a work portfolio.
Olivia Bee started her professional career at the age of 15, after a Converse design director saw her Flickr feed and hired her to shoot a campaign in the same style as her personal work. Bee is self-taught and highly driven. Now 19, she has shot editorial and advertising work for the industries’ biggest names.
Olivia recently sat down with PDN to talk about a variety of topics, ranging from her skepticism about Instagram and what she’s learned by shooting with an iPhone, to how she manages expectations (her own and everyone else’s) and the reaction she gets from other photographers because of her success at such an early age.
Because of privacy settings I cannot embed the video interview here. Simply click the screenshot below to see Olivia Bee talk on Vimeo about Instagram, iPhones, expectations and the envy of pros.

Visit Olivia Bee’s portfolio, inspiring. Good photography must not always be about sharpness and accurate colors. It’s about vision.