“Photos Are Like Fossils” — B&W Photographer Roger Ballen on His Fundamentally Psychological and Existential Journey

“Photos Are Like Fossils” — B&W Photographer Roger Ballen on His Fundamentally Psychological and Existential Journey

German magazine Spiegel has an excellent interview with photographer Roger Ballen, a black-and-white film photographer for nearly 50 years who believes that he’s part of the last generation that will grow up with this media. Black and white, says Balen, is a very minimalist art form and unlike color photographs does not pretend to mimic […]

Sony RX100 II in Stock

Sony RX100 II in Stock

The amazing Sony RX100 II is in stock at Amazon and B&H. The RX100 II’s additional flexibility over the already very capable RX100 makes the successor a very attractive proposition for enthusiasts who want a lot of power in a small package. What’s new? 1-inch 20.2MP Exmor R sensor for extreme low light shots Bright […]

Lomography Reinvents the Legendary Petzval Lens for Analog and Digital SLRs

Lomography Reinvents the Legendary Petzval Lens for Analog and Digital SLRs

Let’s go back in time a bit, to the year 1840 exactly, the birth of the legendary Petzval lens developed by Joseph Petzval. The lens revolutionized photography thansk to its F3.6 aperture which was considerably faster than other lenses of that time. But not only its speed made this piece of glass consisting of two […]

This Is How War Photographs Are Shot — Under Fire: Journalists in Combat

This Is How War Photographs Are Shot — Under Fire: Journalists in Combat

Toronto war doc Under Fire: Journalists in Combat is a documentary about the psychological cost of journalists and photographers covering war. We all think to understand what’s going on around the world, but who really understands what war really means. It’s mainly thanks to war journalists and photographers that the outside world has at least […]

The Transformation of Barcelona — A City Portrait

The Transformation of Barcelona — A City Portrait

Text by BEATRIZ SILVA Photos by LORENZO MOSCIA The monumental transformation undergone by Barcelona with the 1992 Olympic Games has failed to make disappear the diverse working-class city full of contrasts disappear where Pablo Picasso began painting in 1896. It is not necessary to venture too deep into the narrow streets of the El Raval […]

Your Red Can Really Be Her Blue — Colors Depend on Who You Are

Your Red Can Really Be Her Blue — Colors Depend on Who You Are

This is in part a continuation of B. D. Colen’s thought-inducing The Subject Is Black and White, dealing with the question that a color photograph may or may not distract from the subject. Without light — or wavelenghts for that — everything is black, right? Let’s assume every person sees black as is, as black. […]

Camera Makers Listen Up: Pricier High-End Cameras Revive Sony Brand Image

Camera Makers Listen Up: Pricier High-End Cameras Revive Sony Brand Image

While CaNikon — the still dominant players in the standalone camera market — keep on copying each other and incrementally improve their technologies, competitors Fujifilm and Sony are thinking outside the box. While Fujifilm is betting on the retro form factor supported by its outstanding experience in imaging technology, Sony pushes the limits — what […]

The Physics to Better Photography — Is It the Photographer or Gear?

The Physics to Better Photography — Is It the Photographer or Gear?

It’s an age-old question dividing photographers again and again. What’s more important. The photographer or gear. We all know the answer. The photographer. Or is it? When the shot does well, it’s the photographer. When it sucks, it’s the camera. All things being equal, the better photographer will usually get better shots while better gear […]

Why (Most) Women Are Camera Shy

Why (Most) Women Are Camera Shy

Here’s a photography study by, surprise surprise, consumer giant Unilever’s personal care brand Dove. Right, they want women and men to look and feel beautiful. According to a new Dove global research, self-awareness and photography are closely related. If you don’t feel confident, you don’t want to have your picture taken. Women obviously feel less […]

50% Off Canon EOS M Kit = $299

50% Off Canon EOS M Kit = $299

Unbelievable. The Canon EOS M might not be the sexiest camera, but it’s a solid reliable performer that can serve as a decent backup. B&H slashes the EOS M prices. Check this — please note these are limited time offers: Canon EOS M (black) with EF-M 22mm F2 STM Lens for $299 (price drop of […]

Mediocrity and Anemia Ravage the Newsstand

Mediocrity and Anemia Ravage the Newsstand

By DIEGO GIUDICE After five years without visiting the USA, last month I had the opportunity to fly for a few days to San Francisco, California. I always enjoyed the U.S., among other things because I could catch up with a vast variety of newspapers and magazines of the highest quality, a fact that over […]

Finally, an iCam — Apple Reportedly Working on Standalone Camera

Finally, an iCam — Apple Reportedly Working on Standalone Camera

This has been rumored for years, that Apple will reinvent photography — which in part the company has already succeeded in. Look how the iPhone changed photography and the way we take and use pictures. Every day, more photos are taken with an iPhone than any other camera. But iPhoneography is still one big compromise. […]